Exciting Wedding Gifts

Exciting Wedding Gifts

As a guest attending a wedding, buying a gift for the lucky couple can be a strenuous exercise. It’s almost a guarantee that they will end up with 50 toasters and 30 kettles. So when it comes to buying exciting wedding gifts we have come up with a few ideas to help you.

Spa Day

spa day

There is no doubt that planning a wedding is very hard work. So what better way is there to relax after the big day than with a nice spa day for two. This is a great gift because even if they get more than one they can enjoy the experience on different occasions. When thinking about wedding gifts, buying an experience is always a good idea.

Honeymoon Experience


It also may be a good idea to find out where the newly weds are going on their honeymoon. If they are going somewhere fun it could be an idea to arrange an activity for them to do on their travels. If they are going to Thailand why not be adventurous and get them to go visit an elephant sanctuary, or if they are off to Spain a nice wine tasting in the country side could go down a treat. If you are looking for really exciting weddings gifts, then why not suggest some sky diving?

Wedding Entertainment


When it comes to entertainment for the wedding day there are so many different ideas to explore. A live band is usually the first thing on the list, but you could branch out and go for something like a fire breathing show. This always goes down a treat but make sure the guests are not too intoxicated while watching! Fireworks are also an exciting wedding gift and they never fail to please.

Old Memories

If you’ve known the lucky couple for a few years then gathering old memories as a gift is alway very thoughtful. Putting together a nice photo album, or even a time box with mementoes is very personal and thoughtful. It shows effort on your part and is lovely for the new family home.

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